
By simple definition metamorphosis means change. What I am hoping to achieve is so much more than that.

From dictionary.com:
"a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism"

And from merriam-webster.com:
"a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances"

I will strive to be a better version of the me that I am today. Both physically and in my character. As they say, "today is the first day of the rest of my life."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Parenting: the dreaded room cleaning

Along my journey to make changes, I'll be looking to to many resources for advice and tips on how to be better at certain things. Today, with my kids playroom a disaster, I went looking for a better way to get them to pick up after themselves. I found a useful article on webmd.com.

I'm formulating a plan to help the kids get their playroom clean.  We'll start with the basics. Let's get all the toys up off the floor and into their containers. I'm going to try to make a game out of it. Perhaps a race, a counting game, or a game of tossing. Next, let's get the trash. I think this'll be a race to see who can pick up the most. Hopefully there isn't that much, but you never know with my boys.  Then, it's broom time. I think that'll have to be my job, but I'm okay with that. The boys love to use those anti-bacterial wipes, so that'll help in getting the surfaces clean. Oh, there's one thing I didn't mention; music. I'll let them pick it and we'll crank it, dancing along as we go.

A cleaner playroom equals less time being unhappy with my children and more time doing positive things together. I'll let you know how it goes.

The room is clean AND we went through all the toys and got rid of the broken ones. Now the boys are playing and coloring, and waiting for dinner. Imagine, they aren't screaming and fighting and we had a good time cleaning. Go figure, the experts actually knew what they were talking about. Who knew?

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